Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Goodnight and Good Luck

Small bomb dropped on us today. Grant will be leaving UI before the end of the year. Surprised? A little bit. Expected? Not really. It's all just kind of reinforcing that next year is going to look very different than this year. There is some good with that and of course there is some negative with that. I'm very understanding of his need to move on and especially out. It just kind of sucks that I'm losing a friend from my immediate surroundings before I'd like to. Considering I was arguably most nervous about working with him because he has just a different outlook on things because he has a family to think about. Just a little sad. It's been a fantastic year and I will miss him. Nothing but love to his family and I hope that they find good things wherever they go. Short post, but that's really all I had to get out.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

you've joined the blogging world! hurrah!